I finished my last wedding of the 2020 season on Sunday which feels kind of weird to say, since I only ended up flowering a few. I had amazing opportunities come up in the most necessary of times. I worked with so many more brides on a smaller scale, and was able to connect with so many families in ways I hadn’t before. I'm proud of myself. I survived, and I thrived during the absolute WORST time to be in the events industry, and I think I’m just a better designer/ business owner because of it.

I wish I could wrap this wedding season up with a pretty little bow and leave it with that sweet and grateful sentiment but if I'm being really honest the pit in my stomach and the feeling of "what the heck am I going to do if this all continues next year" is constantly in the back of my mind. I've seen so many articles, or posts about how to "pivot your business amidst a pandemic" well most small business owners I know have been pivoting and pivoting- basically going in circles on a swivel chair for the last nine months. We're tired, we're over it, and honestly- we are feeling a little dizzy.

The one sentiment that has rang true and continues to run through my mind is "faithful I have been and faithful I will be". I've seen this ring true more times over the last nine months than I have in my entire life. From last minute elopements, to giant stage installs for mega churches.... God works in all kinds of weird ways.

I have no idea what the next year holds but I do know that God has been faithful to me in this season. I'm believing he will work wonders for Sprig during 2021- whatever that looks like and I can't wait to see the ways in which he does.

If we were able to work together this year, thank you. thank you. thank you! Thank you for helping me pay my rent, fill my gas tank, and keep sprigging and springing!!